
adjust                        all-in-one                    at                preview (or prescan) brightness                 connected               contrast                     file format flatbed                 handheld                  high               image editing                 low OCR software                        original                    click text          dpi

How to scan an image. 

1. Make sure the scanner is _____________ to the computer.

2. Lift the lid and put the _____________ on the scanner glass.

3. For high image quality, scan ___________ 300 ____________ or higher.

4. The scanning software will automatically do a _____________.

5. If the image is too dark or too light, you can __________  the _____________ and _____________.

6. _____________ "scan".

7. If you scanned _____________, it can be "read" by _____________.

8. If you want to save the image, choose a _____________. JPEG is a good choice for photos.

9. The scanned image can be manipulated using _____________ software.
10. An _____________ printer/scanner can print, scan and copy.

Сэтгэгдэл бичих
